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InILLUMINATIONbyCarol TownendMy Happy Life In The GardenMy Garden Is Tough, But I Still Enjoy Doing It.Jun 19, 20233Jun 19, 20233
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InCreative Passions 💖byCarol TownendWhy I Prefer Books And Music Over Television.Television Can Be Depressing Sometimes; Whereas Books And Music Cheer Me up.Apr 6, 20224Apr 6, 20224
Carol TownendYour Hobby should be Your First True Love (People.)People come and go, but a hobby can be for lifeJun 13, 2021Jun 13, 2021
Carol TownendWhy Does it Always Have to Rain when I choose to do the Garden?Its my Stepdads 2nd curse!Jun 19, 2021Jun 19, 2021