It’s A Case Of The Missing Coffee!

Now, Where Did I Put It?

Carol Townend


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Let me speak freely.

Sometimes I love mornings, and sometimes I hate them!

Yesterday was one of those days.

I particularly hate mornings when I can’t find my jar of Coffee.

So, I raid every cupboard in the kitchen, including the cleaning cupboard.

Scratching my head, I say to myself,

“I’m sure I put it in the hot drinks cupboard.”

I checked that cupboard five times over.

Feeling frustrated and going out of my mind, because I find it abhorrent to wake up without a cup of Coffee in the morning; I run upstairs, and even check the bathroom (I don’t know why my out-of-control mind thought that it might be there!)

I must have trashed every single room within an hour.

I was mentally cursing myself for losing the Coffee jar, and then a brainwave occurred,

“Check the freezer, Carol!” I tell myself, for some reason that seemed out of this world.

I have two fridges with small freezers and a large stand-alone freezer in our house.

The Coffee wasn’t in the small freezer, but leaving no stone unturned, I decided to check the…



Carol Townend

You can visit my Amazon page here: I have a big love for reading and writing poetry and fiction.