Don’t Be Afraid To Let Your Children Make A Mess.

It’s good for them.

Carol Townend
4 min readAug 24, 2022
Photo by Ricardo Viana on Unsplash

I remember my younger days of parenting really well, and I miss them .

  • I miss the days when my daughter decided washing her hair in her food was better than eating it.
  • I miss my toddler throwing his toys all over the room while I tried putting them away
  • I miss the mess of paint on the table
  • I miss the bedrooms that became so cluttered that you couldn’t see the floor
  • I miss the mud trails from wet wellies in the hallway after we had been out on a rainy day.
  • I miss the chaos of the numerous complaints we got when the children couldn’t find anything amongst the mess.

There are some parents and professionals who concern themselves too much with how clean and tidy a home should be when there are children involved, when really the focus should be on whether the children are stable, happy and getting their needs met.

FACT: You can’t have a spotless house when you have children. Children need to play and make a mess in order to learn.

I’m not ashamed to say my entire house was upside down when I was parenting.



Carol Townend

You can visit my Amazon page here: I have a big love for reading and writing poetry and fiction.